Borderlands pre sequel save editor guide
Borderlands pre sequel save editor guide

borderlands pre sequel save editor guide

You may (very rarely) see this warning sign on a legit weapon you picked up in game it's legit, just Gibbed thinks it isn't for some reason. If you try to put an "illegal" component or accessory on a weapon, you should see a yellow triangle with an exclamation point next to it in Gibbed. I'm not sure what is meant in the previous comment by "legal," they might be referring to making changes in Gibbed which aren't permitted by the game. Even if the Enforcer exits the game and you leave them at the main menu screen, the game is still "looking" at that character's save file and will overwrite your changes. You need to load the Lawgiver (actually any character EXCEPT the Enforcer you're trying to mod) and wait til the Lawgiver is in-game (past the fast-travel "tunnel" and in the game) then load the Enforcer in Gibbed and mod them. Let's say you have an Enforcer and a Lawgiver, and you want to mod the Enforcer. If you're trying to mod the character you have loaded, the game overwrites it. This appears to be an updated version of Gibbed TPS: The codes for BL2 begin with BL2 and the ones for TPS begin with BLOZ there's a "mechanical" difference and if you're using one version of Gibbed to mod a different game, it physically will not work. Gibbed codes for one don't work for the other.

borderlands pre sequel save editor guide

Gibbed for BL2 and Gibbed for TPS are two different programs.

Borderlands pre sequel save editor guide